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I Love You To Death (Zoomica/SPV 2001)

I love You to Death   Autumn's mist must be creeping around thee backyard gloomy corner again and soft cold wind invites the frozen solitude from the north. As deep as the aching inside one's bleeding heart there shall be a heathen resurfacing oneself to ressurect just like the greenish ghouling shadows and the dry of dead leaves in yellow, brownish and orange fallen to the pale emptiness below - such a perfect atmosphere for the darker melodies of the tribute to Type O Negative as the thirst of adoration for Peter Steele's death shall forever (then) be a sweet silent revenge upon those hypocrites dwelling their tiny pathetic secret world.
Zoomica   Darkwave, electro-goth, heavy metal mayhem and doomy industrial artists are decided to get drunk by the legacy of the bloody tracks and fanged lyrics as they giving the best of themselves as the humble offerings.
   Blood and Fire, Wolf Moon, Christian Woman, Black no.1, I Hate Everyone to In Praise of Bacchus are served iced cold in a very eccentric and hard-possible way. The dried out of succumb souls that left behind alone and rusty rot as every other things around them dies.

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