From the infamous character of Dutch vampire hunter Van Helsing became internationally recognizable via Bram Stocker’s novel and tis action gothic wide screen starring Hugh Jackman as the vigilante vampie hunter and Kate Beckinsale as Anna Valerious the daughter of the last leader of Transylvania fighting the evil Dracula incarnated and his blood-sucking mistresses a century later since the killing of Doctor Frankenstein castle being stormed by the villagers but Dracula biting him to death leaving the experimental frankenstein monster struggles before fell into the firing pit. Van Helsing is a servant of god and highly trained hunter chasing the hideous Mr. Hyde at the notre-dame cathedral before being called up back to the Vatican for new assignment to Transylvania; helping the Romanian ancient bloodline kingdom kin restoring order battling the prince of darkness with Carl the friar providing Van Helsing the weapons as the meeting with the villager folks and the gorgeous braver princess Anna determines the more eager to kill Dracula since the death and loss of her beloved brother Vulcan to a wolf man as the trio blood-sucking mistresses attacking the land in diabolic manners within the dark secrets of the story and how Vulcan encounters Anna being alive but cursed forever as a wolf man too; led Van Helsing to conclusion plan from the vampires to creating their billion breeds born children army that failed over and over again but the key of life creations lies onto Doctor Frankenstein’s formula and monster whom being encounters by Van Helsing and Anna under the old ruins of giant windmill. Alan Silvestri composing the score-music for this action interesting film as twelve tracks of Journey to Transylvania, Werewolf Trap, Useless Crucifix, All Hallow’s Eve Ball, Who are They to Judge?, Final Battle or Reunited for the original motion picture soundtrack did tracing the loss memory of who Van Helsing really is as Dracula confronts him after kidnapping Frankenstein monster; as Anna being caught as the exchanging chip bargain as Vulcan now under the command of his master permanently as a wolf man. Killing dracula’s brides one by one stating with Marishka then Verona inside the terrifying Dracula castle with Van Helsing, Anna and Carl battles Igor and the critter creatures or the carriages to Budapest’s werewolf ambush – resulting final mission for Van Helsing whom unfortunatel, bitten by werewolf and becoming one fighting ferociously the giant vampire bat in a bloody confrontations and Anna trying to take the lycanthropy cure bursts in but accidentally being killed by the werewolf Van Helsing after he bites Dracula real bad to death.
A funeral pyre witnessing Anna’s family gathering back together while Frankenstein monster rowing his raft far away north.
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