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Nude Flush Boots Machine (Ipecac 2008)

   Never underestimate the power of The Melvins even when you hardly ever heard about them.
Buzz Osborne a.k.a King Buzzo always had some of his magic tricks to surprise you and  for now its called Nude With Boots - a very dangerous sludge combatant metal record. 
These Seattle veterans will always been a fascinating act to be highlighted and the simplicities of being "bad or rude" shall never far apart from them.
   A dark punkish doomed rock and a deeply full of pain album filled with anger and insecurity not to be accepted by many for quite a long time career in hard music for this trio.
The celibate purposes of free thoughts lyrics in liberating bigotry minds indulging the in-sensitivity towards feminin-ism and violence among their elusive presence.
Suicide in Progress, The Stupid Creep, Dog Island or The Savage Hippy are all erupting hate and absurdity that really taste better than the truth itself.

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