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Salvete Virgines Ad Arcana (Decca 2006)


   Hans Zimmer's absolute works on the controversial music score from the none other than The Da Vinci Code which has erupts the wrath of The Vatican and affected million others across the globe. Adapted from the same Dan Brown's controversial novel, The Da Vinci Code submerges to break the boundaries of a sacreligious limitation between faith and knowledge irrelevant war; led by scientists and inventors like Da Vinci himself against the church absolutions over centuries.
   The code breaker expert Professor Langdon and Cryptologist Sophie Neveu (soon to be discovered as the last descendant of Christ) teaming up to solving the mysterious murder inside the Louvre museum but soon discovering the more links and clues to a deeper and darker side of Church's conspiracy theory which kept hidden for a long time. The soundtrack concluded the essence of thrills and the eager energy of fate on both winner or loser side as well as the calm orchestral arrangements are well-captured of every aspect, details like the Rosslyn Chapel to the wicked Sir Teabing and of course, the atmosphere of thus sacred history-tellings, challanging of sanctified hypocricy and the non-fictional opened truth behind the legends and myths based on science.
   Accompanying the hidden stories of the church, the Magdalene's revelation and the Prior of Sion's secrets are thus loveable intrigue instrumental tracks - Dies Mercurii I Martius, Malleus Maleficarum, Rose of Arimathea and Chevaliers de Sangreal; shall tempting those close-minded to be a believer.
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