Let your problems burnt out as the afternoon wind carries you away in its gusty force between the ednless miles on the horizon and the carcasses of roadkill by cranking up knuckled cowbell, dynamic drumrolls and pitch progression of mighty riffs on King of The Road - hard and loud !

These Southern Californian Stoner Sonic Masters - Fu Manchu breathing fuzzed guitar music on your car stereo, alone against the raging sea down below beside you and there's nothing can stopping you for ruling the road. The quartet of Brant Bjork (drums), Brad Davis (bass), Bob Balch (lead guitar) and Scott Hill the frontman never sounded this solid and brave than ever before as we recommended this for real bikers (only) who would die for Stoner Rock stings and fuckin' loving it.
Having tremendous rocking anthemic tracks from Hell on Wheels, Over the edge, Boogie Van, Grasschopper and Weird Beard proving that this album is a must have for those whom so-called themselves real Weedsmokin' Stonerheads; this is a groovy barking and neck-snappin' from the first start to the last !
"A Pedal to the Metal Brotherhood"
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