Devilheads Grindcore duo under the moniker name of
“a result may vary” brutal death metal band
Drain of Impurity will sucking your soul dry. Don’t be fooled and decide to
press play this Sordid Acts of Torture album without warning yourself for the
real bloody mess or damage towards damnation tortures that will cause by this
group onto your precious lame lives. Batu Cetin (bass, vocals, drums,
programming) and Basar Cetin (guitars) with the helping disgorged hand of
Cenotaph’s drummer Cam building up the devastating horrific sound of death
metal necromancer that may burn you up alive or slamming you easily like a
ripped flat melon in concrete blocks. Mixing thus traditional pure death metal
and brutal hegemony of extremities noises and arts as the gory and forbidden
tracks blasting in Dying in Despair, My Fantasy of Murder, Ending Human
Existence and Rooms of Eternal Sodomy are about to be rejected by anything
normal and thus amount of the impulsive hatred and the morbidity of rawness
brutal messages through sufferings and repulse dominates.
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