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Police On My Back (Columbia / Sony 1980 )


   Influenced by the rebellious movements in Nicaragua and the cold war, British punkrockers The Clash decided to baptizing their next album with Sandinista. The double album which would be the mixing of Rock n’ roll, punk - reggae influences, Dub, gospel, country, calypso and Caribbean traditional music with more delighted new eccentric sounds from the combining minds of the magnificent genius duet of Mick Jones and Joe Strummer.
   Sandinista consisting of over an hour music to listen to and one might assure there will be changing concept of thinking after hearing the entire album and hours of lyrics interpreted. The Clash celebrating the global action to fight tyranny and injustice which still fully powered to happen on the face of the Earth at that moment to today where killing is a business, polluted primary resources, people are considerable as cattle and lives became cheaper than rubber sandals.
   Tracks to tracks this is not the best work of them but once you listen and reading the news about what’s happening around your world – you’ll find that Rebel Waltz, Ivan meets G.I. Joe, Somebody got murdered, The Sound of Sinners, The Equalizer, Washington Bullets or Career Opportunities are like a true comparatives of the chaotic conditions not remote or far but next beside you mourning of regrets.

Hats Off to them !

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