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Afflicted Violence Breath (Victory Records 1997)


   Harder than your average bully brothers most hardcore porn collections and tougher enough, ready not to take prisoners whilst bursting the raging anger music of hardcore, metalcore, thrashcore, whatever.
Hatebreed is the new voice of your pissing off generation whose should be living within conspiracy issues, high prices, war-scented leaders and the fuck-up world.
   Jamey Jasta and his troops of tomorrow’s Modern Metal Music are no jokes !
You’ll definitely be blown away for good and burnt by their extra fuckin’ hard to the core pump with brutal drumming and epic shreds . Let thus tracks like Before Dishonor, Puritan, Burn the Lies and Betrayed by Life burns bigotry !!!

"The ignorant you act, the harder you'll get punished.
Raise your middle fingers to the injustice authority !"


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