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Ballad Train Don't Stop Anymore (Mercury Records 2001)

   Sir Elton John comeback with his piano roots based soft rock music to greets his worldwide fans with the biggest smile on Songs From The West Coast. This 27th album really produced in a very fairly and professional ways for its entertainment and excitement above all. Consisting thus life lessons from long time experience of an established rock star and activist to be shared with humbleness and down to Earth influences as the wisdom of quintessence on this record. Soft tunes with a very awarded vocals from him and the perfection of his compatriot songwriter Bernie Taupin makes this a possibility filled up with real lyrics telling stories about the living and crossroads of life and relationships on The Western Coast.
   Dark Diamond, American Triangle, The Wasteland and Original Sin telling us lots of underrated tales of both sides of an idea named "American Dreams" happened differently on everyone.

A sophomore must have record for every middle-age parents !

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