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Elegance Cold Acceptance (One Eye 2007)

Collapsed death, despair and revolution under Drone/Sludge Metal cult group from Baton Rouge, Louisiana - Thou; featuring those underground five metalheads – Terry Gulino (drums), Bryan Funck (vocals), Andy Gibbs (guitars), Matthew Thudium (guitars) and Mitch Wells (bass) recording this album – Tyrant as their cornerstones for making the Southern heritage of hard music lives on forever. Day by day, night by night; life is nothing but a rotten shaping of dead flesh on an open field lasted as a meal for scarvengers. Thou; written thus lyrics and put their bone-breaker music in front as main aims. Mostly, would be sounded corrosive and anti-social with heavy low distorted and doomy beats in half-perfection that will bake your brain slow. I was ignored and judged and cast down, Fucking chained to the bottom of the ocean and What blood still flows from these veins is a guttural ridicule buggers-spitting which can easily ate those faces of the established bigotry and screwheads society in morbid.

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