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Over Drive Cherry (Sony Records 2010)


   Japanese anime-rocking band consisting of three cute girls from Okinawa, Japan performing these favourable Pop and Rock tunes which can be so fantastic to your ears even when you actually didn't know what are they singing on the Japanese lyrics but have no fear cause it;s not a gap or big problems for dislike Stereopony music. Meet the members - Aimi Haraguni (guitars), Nohana Kitajima (bass) and Shiho Yamanoha (drums) dressing up in a simple Japanese style wrapping their cuteness inside this power garage-pop record Over The Border. Fast and glittering good like colorful candies on your mouth as you tasting Smilife, Happy A, Tomodachi no Koibito and Never Look Back; reminding us about how Avril Lavigne could be sounded like when she decided to learn Japanese Harajuku Rock !

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