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Gibbon Elk Rabbit Zebra (Big Scary Monsters 2008)


   Oxford based musicians Stuart Smith (lead vocals, guitars), Dan Adams (bass, trumpet) with Tim and Chris Collis on guitars and drums must be certain to their aims for creating a musical group while creatively, crafting the methods of a populist Math Rock ready for taking over the front row full of college students or thus private secret society whose smoking too much weeds sitting in front of their fraternity porch after dark listening to Animals.
   The energetic tempo of up-beats manual sounds and irregular licks will be your breakfast as well as crunchy vocals tried to keeping up the pace of the ambiguity tones in twilight progressions.
   Listed in non-alphabetical order track titles are Chinchilla, Baboon, Lemur, Badger, Quetzal (should I continue ...) etc.
   No matter what thy're trying to accomplished or how weird their music would sounded like - still, this youngster fresh-fellows could taking your attention right away (even) before the Animals getting too boring with their own routinity.


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