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Kyrie Devil's Flame Salvation (The End Records / Osmose 2007)


Sigh cannot easily be described as jsut a plain Black Metal group because when you hear them and it's about now, you can sense how variative this Tokyo extremists sounded. Having those ritualistic mystizism cover like in three and fast sharper tempos to slicing you up with consisting members: Mirai Kawashima (keyboards, sample, programming, orchestral arrangements, vokoder and percussion), Satoshi Fujinami (guitar, drums, bass), Junichi Harashima (drums) to Dr. Mikannibal (vocals) claiming their semi-legendary throne off Japanese extreme metalmusic kingdom by releasing this fucking brilliant album. Hangman's Hymn is a solid record which manifestating most of Sigh's evil ideas and thoughts made into a story-telling of concept like album. Blasting crude darker and blackest as fuck form of sinister noises and laughter would making your ears tortured to bleed while the creepy samples like church bells or haunting choirs shall give us waves of scary-chill moments one at the time. Act I had In in Blood while Act II treading you with The Memories as a Sinner and last but not least, Act III foreshadowing our dark destinity concluded on Overture/Rex Tremendae/I saw the world's end as the closing chapter before the hanging.

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