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Lupercalia Alba Arcadia (Banshee 2011)

   Enters to the world of mythical reality of Faun where Paganfolk is your guardian and The Great Mother Nature is your precious breath which everything can be healing and the lost of death is just temporary, in waiting to be resurrected for higher form and purposes, a place where excuses and executions can be forgiven or done by mercy. This Folkish Pagan group made in Germany are actually a unity of artists and musicians whose having the same aim in life – glorifying Holy Mother Earth and all The Gods and Goddesses as above so below ... Eden is a perfect album which having mostly all the formula to be considered a classic Neo-Medieval of Darkwaved Pagan-Folk; contributed by its loyalist members Oliver Sa tyr, Fiona Ruggeberg, Niel Mitra, Rudiger Maul with Sonja Drakulich, Stephan Groth and Katja Moslehner. Mezmerizing thy hypnotic atmosphere for every senses like ritualistic mantras of shamans or the sacred dancing of the forest elves, we could easily fell asleep under the soft and tender of Faun’s natural lullabies on Hymn to Pan, Golden Apples, Iduna and The Butterfly in a smile through the seasonal changes.

Magnificent formation of a nature's magical melodies mastery ...


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