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Violet Swing Yes 42 (Parlophone Records 2008)
Chris Martin and co. Coming back with more soft
political solution within their music and Coldplay releasing their next record
based on the influental French Revolution or Joan of Arch freedom campaign for
writing their most valuable and distinctive tracks out of them. One would be
wondering about how to get Lost when some still desperately finding their own
way home or in sudden, you will catch a weird feeling providing by your natural
surroundings while listening to Life in technicolor like an anthem of the
free-pollutant suburbs or perhaps, getting far away crossing Earth because of
Chinese Sleep Chant and Cemeteries of London: a dreamy imagination for visiting
remote places on the otherside of the planet which you’d thought you can never
see in flesh. The fantastic combination plays by Will Champion (drums) and
Jonny Buckland erupting smoothly shaken jealousy with purest romance on Lovers
in Japan/Reign of Love while Viva La Vida seemed to championing the entire
album with its troublesome lyrics and patience relieving atmosphere
re-captures. One should trying to forgetting the ego of the world, forgiving
everyone and themselves and made peace with the past and present while
nurturing the next generation and the living nature smiling again for seeing
another day or new year as the everlasting ideas of equality in prosperity
lived on not only in our sleeps. This is our - Viva La Vida or Death and all
his friends ...
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