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Derby Babe Demolition (Buzzville Records 2000)


   Begin your trip and start your engine because this one might be your last one and you must keep it a secret; A Trip to The Stonehenge Colony should be a regenerating act of the newest Doom Metal Stonerheads band off the Southern (of Belgium, to be precise).
   Serving nine tracks all filled with heavy riffs and great licks that would make (even) some of the native musicians on the Swampy Southland in US felt a bit jealous to these fellows.
   The Cowboys & Aliens' trio of Kris V (bass, Peter G (drums) and John P (guitars) letting them to be led by the wildhog vocalist Henk V on this trip. Bad Sexx, Let Me Walk U Home or Holy Stone are too good to be left behind but tire tracks among the dust while your old car stereo blasting this record very loud like you just don’t care a lot to the Planet no more.
   Through the empty lots and three dimensions over the dry county and mountains …

A Trip to Stonehenge Colony Link:

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