Behold the mighty womb of a woman giving birth to another Doom Stoner solo project which had written ultimately about the exact experiences over pain, esoteric spiritualism to enlightment due to her musical talents. Samantha Michelle Smith from Pittsburgh, PA reminiscing the world about how a female intuition can somehow turned into deep trance of futile hatred for exposing herself to vomiting out the boredom against our man's world. Ms. Michelle Smith's moniker Ennoea; proclaiming itself as a bringer of grinding Slug Metal when she's alone doing the recording plus did all the instrumentals from guitars, drums and thus horrific guttural voice on vocals.
Proarkhe is an album which blasting metallic music in its most primitive form as the mark of total freedom of expression against selfishness or lamentation here from the past and present days within tracks like the creepy instrumental Wretched Creatures or Entropy (Demiurgos part I).
An archaic type of underground records which not many would considers it as good art-form of music but again, this is her free-will and also the small step further to find peace of mind inside the the eye of chaos without expecting applause but her credibility that keep continues ...
Don't try this or else ...
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