Considering as one of the best recording ever released by this Gothenburg Speed Metal group – HammerFall which consisting here with their promising sounds, stronger metal power durability and awesome formation: Joacim Cans (vocals), Oscar Dronjak (guitars, backing vocals), Stefan Elmgren (lead guitars), Magnus Rosen (bass guitar) and Patrik Rafling (drums). You might dreaming of how perfect a Metal band should sound like ?
Maybe, this record will presenting your wishes in a very perfecto way for good.
From the Epic lyrics and tempo to their great riffs and licks combination and don’t forgetting the shout-out choir which will definitely gave one a highest pride for chosing Heavy Metal as their eternal bonds.
Let the Hammer fall, Heeding the call or Stronger than all would be a perfect victory lap shouts while raising your metal sign hand up higher for honoring Legacy of Kings !!!
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