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3:30, Part. 6 (Disques Dryfus / Polydor 1978)


The trancending formation of harmonies and deep thoughts of noises which smartly given its meanings by the amazing works of Lyon's Electronic composer Jean Michel Jarre might truly saving you and calmness not for being anxious or envy but peacefully unites with the Planet we've called home. The intuitive surroundings of reckless, power, surrogates and tranquillity shall circling around us changing the atmosphere above us and wisely, teaching us about the mysteries of the bigger or smaller worlds nearby. Some symphonies might delivering thrills or haunts you but boredom isn't the choice at first to be brought here when one decided to listening to Equinoxe cause Ambience and Progressive Synth-Pop Music is created to sounded serious from the beginning but on its temporary moments - sometimes they're also can bring you courage, hope, happiness and knowledge. This recording should making you think about Space Explorations and NASA which also true, Jarre's works are always be mysterious and deliberating through these eight parts of compositions of Equinoxe. When some needed a first step to begin their road to explorating the existence of themselves and the invisible force of universal power beyond their imagination, this album is righteous choice to start it.


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