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Bicentennial Wunderlast (Volcom Entertanment 2007)


   Psychedelic and progressive retro massive big arena art-rock based straight out of North Carolina with its consisting five piece mix gender musicians - Cheetie Kumar (guitars), David Mueller (bass), Scott Nurkin (drums), Paul Siler (guitars) and Missy Thangs (keyboards) cannot be too underrated by anyone cause the music that they've produced wasn't a cheesy one. Resulting the best release from Birds of Avalon we got Bazaar Bazaar; a perfect recording which shall put you back to the time machine of the Summer O Drugs on the seventies or the early Alternative Rock birth on the last days of the beginning of the nineties. Known for having one of the best live shows around the scene, Birds of Avalon also carrying their distinctive progression of Acid rock and Blues as you can listening to most of them on this album. Particular tracks to keep an eye on should be  Horse called Dust or Turn Gold that easily making you admiring these band more and more, not mentioning their awesome cover arts that shall feasting your eyes with gladness beauty and mystic.
Passionating and too bad to be ignored, let yourself drowning inside Cheetie Kumar's sensual voice and let the dreams taking over.


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