Having the release of the beautiful Under the Pink, we all need to know first about the background of Ms. Amos which wasn't good at all completed with the tragic stroy about her being a rape victim long time ago but there's always hope and prayers through her Folkish-Pop and classical Indie music and most important are the lyrics which she's already written in a very heartfelt whispering, honest or eagerously releasing her personal melancholy angst.
Female instinct and intuitives are very strong drawn upon this symphonical melodies on this record; where mostly the gallantry and softer side of a person, a woman could be so perfectly mixed here between the solitude years of emptiness and the famous days that felt like a new warmer Winter after a sleepless night of mellow Autumn of lost lovers or the poerty heroine whom giving up on being the weak figure as she walks alone through the man's world with no more fear or a permanent joy over sufferings that we can find on Bells for Her, God, Cornflake Girl or Pretty Good Year.
Tori sounds like the braver female version of Elton John on this !
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