Admire this in which that every Folk-Country singers and artists must be dreaming a lot for wanted to have the best yet completed works just like American IV: When The Man Comes Around, an album that belongs to our legendary Johnny Cash. Simple acoustic focusing on misfortunes, gloomy Americana sounds and endless pain kept shall all being represented by each of every song inside the record. We all should be shivering and trembled for listening to the apocalyptical messages and visions concluded inside his wiser words over thus lyrics cemented on tracklist like The Man Comes Around, Bridge over Troubled Water (Simon & Garfunkle cover), the melodramatic Nine Inch Nails best cover of Hurt, In My Life from Lennon-McCarthy's catalog to the sorrowful duet with Nick Cave on Hank Williams' I'm So Lonesome I Could Cry.
The distinctive moaned primal saddest vocals of Mr. Cash sounded so tortured and deep; the personal moments from the bottom of this tough man's heart which dedicated only for sorrow or sadness but elegantly spirituals.
We all can learn something from here but never a smile ...
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