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Endoparasital Masticator (American Line Production 2001)


One or two is recaptured again inside a very sick-minded gory raw trap of Extreme Grinding Metal from Nezahualcoyotl, Mexico and this time through La Realidad Es Sangrienta album made so fucking grotesque by Oxidised Razor. No need to fight the cold hands of a reapist killers that already grabbing your hot girlfriend's legs up and rape her with a machete because there's nothing you can do now except to watch that horror show in bloodbath in front of your own eyes as you pray that when it is your turn next - the torturing will be quick and less painful. No need to ask further about (Aaron (guitar), Jhony (vocals), Luis (drums), Luisa (bass) or where they've found thus sinful samples of moaning women or female screams in agony. Necrosurgery, Hematofagia and Serial Murders are the few cuts that shall torturing your ears and filling you up with lust instinct and insanity.

Preocupante Arte !


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