Taking their parts following those whom already died before as the sick loose-cannon mixing of everything not nice and Heavy Metal bursts out from the boiling dark soup on your spoon; this is Black Light Burns and they're not happily would giving you any good entertainments.
By compositing themselves with Josh Freese (drums, percussion), Josh Eustice (synths, sound design), Danny Lohner (additional guitar and bass, programming) and Wes Borland (vocals, guitars, bass, programming, percussion, synths, piano and cello) as the central figure not the second in commanding like on his previous Hip Metal band; surely, we would forced to believe that this group is truly and freely "weird" by nature - in all aspects possible. Combining the unpopular sound effects from Industrial with the rest Raprock and Stoner Goth mixed in a metal distortion odd shows. Coward, The Mark, Animal, Lie or I Have A Need shall electifying your souls to fell down the hole as you'll be so dead and bloated on that dark murky water permanently ...
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