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Montepulciano Renaissance (Columbia / Sony Music 1998)


   Inspired by the classic Pseudo-ism Pop chart attacks between the 60's and 70's with an addition of Trip-Hop beats and Bubblegum-Goth into their blending type of music, this Brussels' downtempo Power-Pop group Hooverphonic releasing their second album - Blue Wonder Power Milk as perhaps, its weird title couldn't bare the beautiful melodic Alternative amuzing tunes even when mostly sounded slower and cold.
   Thanks for the glamorous sensual vocals from the female vocalist Geike Arnaert whose giving her band a great credit and sooner caught more attentions from the media and Modern Indie lovers along with the increasing fame gained by this band as well. Besides Ms. Arnaert there are Raymond Geerts (guitars), Alex Callier (guitars, strings, keyboards, programming and vocals) with Frank Duchene (keyboards, vocals) mixing their beloving sounds like it's still naive enough to be clinging to the standard danceable format beats this centuries but actually, this group did it well and the results are amazing as you can try them on Dictionary, Battersea, Electro Shocj Faders, Lung or One Way Ride among other tracks.

Brilliant and sensual in a very good standard !


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