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Pusher Madmen Tamer (Small Stone Records 2002)


   Sucking The 70's might be a perfect fitted title for any funky or dancable music compilation complete with their dico ball mirrors and glittery shorties but this time it's fucking different because this album is kind of kaleidoscopic reviews of classic recording artists and their hits or great works carried on again this time tremendously splendid for example - Rumblin' Man (The Allman Brothers), Child of Babylon, Communication Breakdown to TV Eye and Doctor Doctor (UFO).
   Shitting you not as it delivering various mixing of amazing Southern Rock, Stoner Metal and Desert Rock gathering around for this small annual to honoring an era that should be always remembered forever along with epic shreddings, full effects tempo, heavy riffs and doomy fuzz according to the name of the bands from Halfway to Gone, Black Nasa, Puny Human, Los Natas and more.
   So, whether you suckling on your beers and whiskey or puke upside down or riding crazy using only two pedals; you know damn well that you will be needing this double cd's record as a Metal Music amulet but also for a trusted guidance about how cool Rock and Heavy Metal used to be.

You really need to have this, you got to !


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