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Anguish Hours Sight (Runenstein Records 2012)


It's obvious to have a Black Metal acts from anywhere of Mexico because of their tradition and local beliefs of celeberating Days of The Dead and for having a ritualistic altar of worshippings even though mostly are combining with a higher respects for Catholic-ism foremost but there are some who still believes in Dark power magic or superstitious on their daily lives underneath the visible wars between the rich and the have-nots as well as corrupted governments fighting drug cartels around the country. One-Man Project Blackest Necro-artistic noise disturbance Metal coming to front in its raw, brutal and underground extreme approaching in this independent atmospheric recording - Casket of Pain; a demolished agonizing sounds of tortured world of the dead people which haunting the living through deathly hollowed sounds or scarier growls from the pit inside the darkest corner. A poltergeist effects that can drove any listeners - either mad or dead in suicidal and unexplanated ways after listening to Lines Without Form, And Nothing lives Here, Reacher of Blood or Forever Trap; saluting Death and its glory of taken lives and murderous killings of mankind shall begin to be traced since the beginning of this full of negativity horror effects like an invisible cloud that can easily ripping people's head off in slow motion. Never trusted yourself to think about trying this album or if it's too late - don't ever blaming Necrosadik a/k/a Gabriel Gutierrez for doing an illegal recording in demand of his own listener's life for an exchange ...


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