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Dear Worldwide Bomb (Interscope / Atlantic Records 1993)


Scooping up his own (mostly) dirty and explicit lyrics into an impressive Hip Hop acts didn't quickly made this Queens Rapper famous but turned up as a great poem targeting thus social walfare issues and saluting dead friends like on Outta State.
Akinyele Adams or known simply as (only)Akinyele in slicky cocky moves releasing his dirty debut - Vagina Diner which having a good sense of humour, satyr, sexually legal and cool Old School beats providing by the artist himself, producer Large Professor with scratches proudly mixed by Rob Swift as well as plenty old samples and black man visions over his dirty dawgy tracks like Bags Packed, Checkmate, Excercise and I Luh Hur.
Y'all need to check him out right now before the bang bang boogie woogie hits the shitty shitty bling bling as some already know his style and flowin' rappin methods in his loyal majestic groovy smooth touch.

"Once you have taste black you'll never turning back !"

Vagina Diner:

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