Taken the gruesome name out of Nosferatu movie inspired but leading the way afar towards The Grindingville area; Graf Orlock of LA might not be one of your choice to wasting time listening rock music after school. Cleverly combining their Grindcore roots with more reliable sounds of Death Metal to Deaf-core in present days existence through the music writings based on tragic daily sucking life, human hatred, crowd control problems or other mis-shared issues of conspiracy through out brutal songs like Deluxe Mental Hospital Tour, Not Our Problem, Murder in The MTA and Run Over by a Truck shall directly bombarding every single fucking fucks who dare enough to comfronting the insane music of these guys. No further credits goes to either sick vocalist Kalvin Kristoff or the maniacal shredder Jason Schmidt and the rest of the band because you know damn well that this Destination Time Today album only representing our naked truth about invading this planet and multiply too fucking much until there's nothing left to be sucked, to feed up or to pay anymore.
Fuck this, fuck you all fuckers - enjoy it while you can: today, tomorrow, whatever !
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