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Lilium Throat Tale (Independent 2014)


   An indestructible mysterious Digital-core from Russia with dangerous infected influental Anime-Horror-porn products of chaotic noise music from Itterassyai, Katochi-kun! that will done damages or shoving a very disturbance images inside your mind after this. Don't try this record or suffer the noise more than you could bare; the Шумно. Страшно. Грязно. (Noise, Fearful, Dirty) is a sick album that not supposed to be produced but for now it's too damn late for that - you might wanna thanking the group Itterassyai, Katochi-kun! for recording their insanity sounds mix between Grindcore Porn and Nintendo Gore on this one. Ignorant sickest tracks (in English meaning) like Hell does not ask the Creator to open the door for him, We would like to stain with blood the whole world , but only soiled our souls or Love gave us wings, Now we 're going to Hell individually are some of this band shocking truth for worshipping death, Satan or just a lewd Porno-core experiments.
   Stop this album from spreading to the wrong hands because already this record shall effecting listeners brain in its rot-sounded kept like the secret dead girl corpses smelly rotten putrid-piled inside a pedophile's closet.


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