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Plains Of Nevermore Sum (Jymden Music 2011)


   Empowered with heavy double pedals striking as they're coming onto you with the definite Progressive Metal and Symphonic Rock combinations making your sacrificial time worthy to listening to them. Akribi the superb Gothenberg Metal group will enlists their names on the already proud heritage of Heavy Metal community made of Sweden. Awesome sounds with the groovy stomping beats and female fronted beauty with her delicates great vocals reign the led throne as queen on this band - vocalist Jessica Ahman along with double duty shredders Andre and David to Sven Funseth behind the mighty drumset punching you over and over again through the devastated Prog-Metal sounds from the opener track Puppies of War to the energic slam-jam session on the next one - Where the water meets the sky in truly exciting variety tempos in keeping the fans of this Metal style will stick to their seats and never wanted to leave. Perfect coordinations between band members and the actual solo moments sounded fits for every symphonic deliverings here. Akribi's Black Morning Sun album also highlighted the features of neat performance of their keyboardist Andres Tiberto doing his echoes of eerie touch for the complete eerie artistic atmosphere on their glorious blasting works.

Black Morning Sun:

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