Crossing the State highways to Denver, Colorado to meet one of the infamous Sludge Metal characters with their ability of correlated producing and distributes the malfunction white noise on disc plates and selling them as an infection worldwide to the area outside this dangerous band dwelled right now. Primitive Man is a trio of low-life existence without border in mixed races - two whiteys JC (bass) and Ethan McCarthy (guitars, vocals) and a black drummer named Bennett Kennedy strapping the naked truth about overloaded volume speakers, destructive unbound doomy beats and limitless riffage which can cutting their audiences into tiny pieces in just one strike like a shovel to the head.
Hailing their broken howling debut Scorn and spreading the malfunctioned noise tones like a meaningless but after a while even the smartest person on Earth would realized that this lot is really dangerous and hungry for feasting on the lost souls scattered across the empty highways slicing the land, waiting to consumed by either death or evil.
Thunderous growler attacks explodes with thus overdubbed PA's system and the malignant echoes terrible feedback from here to the deep dark pit of Hell and back again ...
Be scared of Rags, Antietam, Black Smoke and Astral Sleep. Hide your youngsters and kill yourself after them before this band gets you.
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