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A Cold Night Close To The End (Hidden Pony 2009)


   The fabulous harmony and melodies of the time between Winter and Spring just like a soundtrack for a Folkish Modern Rock in Indie Music motions made from the North. Yes, these awesome five piece Indie pop band from Vancouver, British Columbia - Said The Whale is truly can be a very best presents for anyone whose liking peaceful and friendships in honest relation in between mankind and within among other living beings in such balance and mutual way. Mostly, covering their story lyrics of the daily living in rural Canada and beyondembracing modernism but still carrying their idealism of humanity through good music and catchy licks of certain melodies as Said The Whale releasing their second full length album - Islands Disappear which filling up itself with soften touch and countless slow-tunes that will blossoming your hearts and souls again in colours. Listening to the most relevant logic through songs like B.C. Orienteering, Emerald Lake AB and False Creek Change shall giving us the small glimpse of the beauties of the Big white north-land in a very Poppish and conventional views and perhaps, the Canadian Board of Tourism would using this record as one of their free adds to attracting more people to visit them up. Introducing the members - Ben Worcester (guitar, vocals), Tyler Bancroft (guitar, vocals), Jeff LaForge (bass, vocals), Spencer Schoening (drums) and the beautiful Laura Smith (keyboards) for sharing their deepest feelings and home-made Jangle Pop symphonies to cuddling everyone whose ever been hurt before and reaching out the hands of sympathy for preserving the nature in a most wiser caring kind of ways through their pleasant lyrics and such mellowed music.

What a great record it is !


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