Even if Louise Wener and her Brit-Pop group Sleeper never got their success in this world, still that there’s no arguments or ill-fated of negativity in comments over this band debut album entitled – Smart releasing and hit the record store unnoticed by media. Mixed by Stephen Street and produced by Paul Crokett and Ian Broudie spontaneously transforming these four quartet piece band into a bright star plus, the additional marks from how Louise and her bandmates really working their butts off writing more and more catchy and cool lyrics songs that would definitely mad anyone whose listening to them shortly will ended up liking Louise’s sexy British accent and Sleeper’s clever and poppy simple music with crunchy yummy tracks founded here inside Smart like Swallow, Hunch, Delicious, Poor Flaying Man to their radio hit single – Vegas. The wonderful start which getting along fine for presenting the audience a great enrich melodious sounds as the alternative choice for our taste. If Sleeper should become thus astronauts stepping into the rocketship for their first journey into space where no men ever gone before; this release must be an awesome modern space ship ready to blasting up and carrying Louise Wener and her group higher without any malfunction for a surprisingly successful flight. Thanks to everything, everyone and the Pyrotechnician…
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