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Normal Eva Braun (Ensign 1978)


   The Irish famous New Wave/Punk Rock group established by Bob Geldof which concluded lead guitarist Gerry Roberts, Johnny Fingers on keyboards, Pete Briquette (bass), Gerry Cott (rhythm guitar) and Simon Crow (drums) led the Island Punk movements with their social politics lyrics of protests since the seventies but never initially caught real attention from huge audiences until the releasing of A Tonic for The Troops that allegedly presenting the more couragous and anthemic tunes of the group original work-piece. The great Mods hit singles like Rat Trap or Like Clockwork to the radio chart friendly - She's So Modern would asking you politely to dance or doing fun Pogo around the house and laughing about this rubbish life completed with its stupid solutions compiled by established laws and order of the royalty or modesty rules that blinding us. The Boomtown Rats is a late comer for the modern movements but their creative sounds legacy would legally influencing more and more new groups coming after the disbanded on the midst of eighties era. Bob Geldof himself emerging to be one of the vocal activists and humanitarian whose also co-founding the live id or One Campaign for helping more poor people scattered on the third world country.

A joke which later becomes no joke anymore ...


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