Electronic Dubstep with Drum N' Bass already becoming the main consumed type of Dance Music ready to striking the mainstream in order to take over controls and more "Night-life Party People" are into the addiction of this kind of Hardcore Electro style sounds right now. From every names emerged upon us today; Nero is one of the group or project we all should be aware of or later - infecting most of you with their brilliant symbiosis sound combinations which can blown up the crowded dance club floors too easily. Consisting of Daniel Stephens, Joseph Ray and the hot dame Alana Watson - this trio of Nero already ruling the UK's chart and hypnotizing thousands under their spellbounding groovy and hardcore metal dance performance as well as stabbing deeper through the hearts of many Clubbers by releasing the debut album - Welcome Reality.
This could blowing out every crowds from being bored on Summer Parties to the massive stadium of an International Dance conventions in instant, using their gearing up boombastic and straight metallic sounds of both Clubbing and Distant distorted of Aggrotechno echoes slamming through your spines, your head and your sense system for the addiction of Fugue State, My Eyes, the mighty anthem on Guilt, Innocence to Me and You or Scorpions. Don't fight the inner wild feelings inside your heart to be kept like a bird in a cage, bursting them out - all making senses anyway !
It begins with the sound ...
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