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Silurian Maitreya (Allister Thompson 2016)


The lack of information and mysteriously project with a weird name like Khan Tengri presenting its record entitled Aeons which also sounded ambiguously in the awaken of Ambient, Psychedelic, Krautrock to Avant-garde world music and dark experimental kind of type from this Ontario subterranean unit. The album that will haunting our presence right after the first opening gate on the first track emerges into your tiny listening sense’s room system that is At The Mountains of Madness divided into five parts: a) Arrival in Antarctica moving to b) The Disturbing scene at Lake’s camp followed by c) The Flight over The Mountains to d) In the aeon-dead Cyclopean city and closed by e) Fleeing from The Horror – all played in colder eerie atmospheres of combinational both complicated digital, live solo and exploration of rarest imaginable echoes in musical achievement made. It’s like the soul journey to the light or the final destination crossing the limitless infinite time and places crashing into pieces while colliding with the scenery over the past and future memories somewhere.


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