A spontaneous sporadic trio
of Independent Post-Punk from Columbus, Ohio carrying their mellow melodic
Indie Pop on Smallmouth; the third album from Scrawl which formed by Mercy Mays
(guitars, vocals) and Sue Harshe (bass, vocals) with Carolyn O’Leary on drums
before replaced by Dana Marshall then replacing again by Jovan Karcic filling
the spot behind the kit. Their lyrics might be too simple as well as their
music but tracks like Time to Come Clean or I Need You or Hymn which at first
would sounded a bit lame actually had more wiser messages in them if you
listening a little bit closer and focused. This Riotgrrl Movement group might
be a bit different from mostly others when it comes to performing nowadays.
Scrawl used to be exploding like a clockstopper from Garage Rock scene but as
time to go matured means more to these rockers then some has to change to
better and that’s the music style of them then later. Listen to more choices
made for young girls and moms not to be stuck inside the horrible homemade
prison but radiates outside, doing what you wanted to do best – Enough, Rot,
Charles and Absolute Torture.
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