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Woodland Wild (PRC Music 2016)


   Instead of just doing simple things or making modern music that sounded catchy or sell-out easily; these Swedes young musicians got their talents and individuality in balance with independent idealistic gifts remarkably built "something" here via real music played by real musicians. These Progressive Rock band Montgolfiere from Helsingborg might blowing up your mind after you had a nick otf chance to admiring their works right here on this album with the same title - Montgolfiere that used to be a limited edition but then the quartet of Josefine, Jesper, Linus and Markus added more songs and re-recorded it to be a full album in release. The souls and the minds will be flying separately from each other because of the driving force of this band's quite raging curves and riffs to the solid tempo and the artistic composing bridges and sessions that really sounded ecclectic and very intensively groovy which demanding more applauses, of course. The beginning to the end; Edge of Civilization that carries the opener aura of both characters and mystic messages led us to wandering why or just being silently thinking about several things inside our imaginations and outside.
   With the next two numbers ina row - And Farther Out or Ikaros seems trying to reminding us about how ego can brought us anywhere or building anything but in the consequences of that ego also leads us to ignorancy and entrapment of temptations as history and myths already showing us some of the examples of it. So, if you losing words after listening to this band - it's alright to admitted that these quartet has just saving you from destroying yourself by doing something more stupid than just sit down and listening to their fantastic music ...


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