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Argh Fuck Kill (Toxic Shock 1986)


   Anti-Social and regardless to any normal society and if its not quite explicit, Dayglo Abortions will still have to giving you more of their sick-minded creativity against the professional modern retarded citizens of the planet whether it's the gory arts or shitty dirt-thrower curses lyrics upon you and your pathetic soul. This Victoria B.C of Canada's Hardcore Metal unit is definitely underground but not being sub-merged deeper away from the surface; these sickening people decided to have collison with the authorization society as the class actions or bigger than that - The clash of civilization.
   Feed Us A Fetus must be the next process album after the previous one and this time the power-core violent trio Jesus Bonehead (drums), Spud (bas, vocals) and The Cretin (guitars, vocals) remarkably and shocking the nations up by putting the presidential pair of Ronald and Nancy Reagan on a disgusting buffet a'la Whitehouse policy which looks awkward but fits but might be a smaller controversy compare to the blasphemous song-lists on the album itself like Stupid Songs, Dogfarts, Wake Up America, Die Sinner Die, Religious Bumfucks, I'm My Own God and I Killed Mommy; deranged and abrassive - scary and infected to any of your children whose going to affected sooner or later and brought chaos unleashed to this perfect peaceful world. As the agressions is powerful and exact to attack through words and ideas - the damnation of this fucking world is just minutes away around the corner.

   This album is dedicated to Mrs. Tipper Gore - so, she can use this as dildo.
Go fucking listen to this or GoFuckYerself !!!


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