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Bird Sized Fiction Horse (Equal Vision 2006)


Throw your protests out to the band members – Brandon L. Proff (drums, programming), Michael L. Madruga (bass guitar, percussion), David M. Marion (vocals), Adam R. Fisher (guitar, keyboards, piano, vocals, programming) and Zachary M. Hutchings (guitars, percussion) if you think that their Screamo Metal must be sounded annoying rather than the used to be cooler Post-Hardcore or experimental rock previously present by Aurora, Colorado’s Fear Before The March Of Flames. The third album entitled The Always Open Mouth should be not too shocking to their early fans but for those whose just about to taste the band’s teenage raging music and lyrics; it must be a serious introduction of averages at first but listen carefully and learn that this band didn’t just screaming out in dullness but the five piece band members really knows that they cannot only depending on the basic Screamo vocals and standard Metalcore music because it’s going to be a little bit boring; so, that’s why everyone could hear the more intense progressive of experiments here through Taking Cassandra to the End of the World Party or Ten Seconds in Los Angeles or My (Fucking) Deer Hunter tells us about the different stories having no similarity of subjects but really influenced by any Deftones’ works especially when they got the heavy slower and dark songs to performs.

Absolutely blazing !


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