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Bloodkult Disgrace (Mascot Records 2010)


Forming back from the day Speed Metal born before anything extremes invented - Heathen the Sonora, San Francisco's Melodic Speed Metal Thrash band must be one of the pioneers that keep making louder music and banging tempos faster, heavier and dangerous. Now on the present days, Heathen showed up and shocking everyone with their newest recording since the last album released in the early nineties; The Evolution Of Chaos will definitely carrying Heathen non-commercial genre of speeding and breathing fire through his mouth - vocalist David White (nowadays with the baldy head), three backing-vocals with speciality of Lee Altus/Kragen Lum within their bassist Jon Torres (R.I.P) and mighty drummer Darren Minter. Based on the degradation of any kinds of men through the so called "Human Extinctions Count-Down" where mostly of us will falling down hard and gone - lost, vanished. Control by Chaos that backed-up by mighty Speed basher-blasters or Dying Season - the apocalypses' megatons of total bursting of thus fast frets of riffs and chords powerful enough to ripped your body's up into two and the band's comeback sounds sounded a bit similar to the last Anthrax's record but truly, faster. Just like the combinations of Metallica with Megadeth in all one record; Heathen really knows about how to acts and performs making them beloved by the fans and the independent media. Smart, skillful, radiating radio through the entire earth and telling them that the Anti-christo already walks the planet again nowadays. No more good Samaritan, nowadays - we're going to shoot the trouble makers down. Evolve to be humans is never completed with thus Blue lines to respecting thus who died this time of the year - fallen one by one to bottomless pit ...


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