"Power-Pop" matters ! yes, that statement should be reasonable enough for every music lovers whose didn't want to lose their chance for thus kind of pleasurement of listening hours on it. Be smart and conquer; when you got the perfect mixing of Kiss, Cheap Trick, Reo Speedwagon or The Sweet with the fun full lively exaggerating Brad Bunch silly shows. You got them all on Teen Machine's After School Special record; this part Pop Rock, part stupidity and part cool sixty influenced group consisting of guitarist El Diablo, The Commander (bass) or Mandy and her vocal gang making this band a bit different in format rather than our average Indie Rock standard ones. Awesome time passing by unnoticed while listening to this amazing classic form of Rock N' Roll sounds via Teen Machine; from fast cars to broken heates and beach life and hillarious pool party lyrics are highlighted fun tracks - I'm gonna steal your girlfriend, Bitchin Camaro, Training Wheel, Sugarland and much more to dig because this album is so catchy and unforgettable as it also a must to have !
After School Special:
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