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Dial Fink Loader (Earache Records 1997)


   Part Satanic and the other half evil side is purely Sludge Metal presented to you for the good ear bleeding must be the main aim from this Nottingham finest group ever formed - Iron Monkey whom sounded crazier than your craziest favorite metal band catalogs with thundering blasts of heavy riffage and enormous sickening ideas for the lyrics just like the darkest version of Black Sabbath metallic driven in total devastation on crushing the sound system whether it is stereo or not. Greavesy (drums), vocalist Johnny Morrow, JDLR and Steven Watson on guitars and Doug Dalziel on bass to be honest will not be your quite good role-models for living your life and expectations from the music media about this band might become too high because this band actually - is rather to kill you or let you fall into abyss rather than saving you instead.
From this self-titled debut record out of these Iron Monkeys you got 666 Pack or Black Aspirin for an answer of how evil this lot already taken their path to both extreme hate metal gate and satanic wisdom portal - in darkness ingredients like forever until the end.


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