Reclaiming her new
musical identity through the more intimate explorations on Rn’B and Soul music
with the modern combination of influences from Hip Hop, Indie Pop,
Synth-electro as Anna Wise relesing her debut mini album The Feminine: Act I
that controversially showing the blatant artistic of interracial relationship
on several good capturing scene video from the singles such us – the seductive
Precious Possession to the obsessive Bitchslut that shall putting this ex
member of Sonnymoon to attractively will acclaimed her spot in between Lana Del
Rey and next to the legacy of Amy Winehouse in Indie Pop music whilst in fact,
she’s already a Grammy winner will remains a substantive but the actual beats,
important lyrics tightly awaken as an alarming clock towards Feminism and the
basic needs of society on pointing to a girl, a woman, a female not as objects
or second class civilians anymore but with this statement extended play
recording made by Anna Wise; this sexy Brunette wanted to express her real
feelings as well as representing half population of average white American
women whom refused to bow down to be man’s housekeeper, political views victims
and sand bags because now Anna can really see that the momentum is right and
the tiny voice of female figures attached tight and unites to making themselves
heard. The Feminine: Act I must be a beginning for everything to remarkably in
tip-toeing grabs the chances for equality to be more than just a sedated
ceremonial bullshit chatter forum online and in reality just like the smart
initiative impression on Decrease my waist, increase my wage …
She tastes really good.
Her Link:
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