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Invisible Martyr Hate (Athens Thrash Attack / Secret Port Records 2013)


   From the land of the Gods and Goddesses and Mythology coming to slam you down with the molten hot Thrash Metal attack reminding you about the brutal battle of Troy or the three hundred soldiers slaying enemies and die for glory; now - this band: Riffobia of Trikala, Thessaly formed as a quartet of rude rockers and raw music talking about shitty things based of war, hellfire or death in bloody fantasy or society issues into their fucking fast tempos of Thrash patrol blasts on this record Laws of Devastation where the nuclear blast is a celebration and the waste contaminated the later desert Earth but besides of all those corrupted images we still can drink beers daily provided by the killer Thrash Metal sounds made by Achilleas Theoktistou (bass), Dimitris Makris (drums), Dimitris Kontogiannis (guitars) and Chris Ntelis (vocals) whom with anger and hatred fantastically build their own quality Heavy Metal that in some case-tracks sounded closer to Metallica, Motorhead or Judas Priest by influences. Heads will banging and body-surf and fists shall slamming onto each other as blood will spill and near death experience would be nothing like beer belly hangover hours right after. As the situation getting rough and the crust of the planet begin to melting slow; get back to your position and crank this shit record up and slam-dance madly like maniacs, follow the rhythmic chords core of total annihilation hour with Remnants Of Faith, Total Decay, War Machine and Legions From Hell.

Long live Beer Music and say goodbye to the shitty world !


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