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Somewhere In Time Fate (Liljegren Records / Nexus 2012)


   Confessing to the media that their music influences ranged widely with many names from Skid Row, Gary Moore, Michael Kiske of Helloween, Robby Valentine, Edguy to the Lords of The Rings trilogy, Hook and Stardust movies. Boden, Sweden's Reinxeed is the Symphonic Speed Metal band consisting of the foursome rockers: Tommy ReinXeed (vocals, guitra, orchestrations, keyboards), Alexander Oriz (guitars, backing vocals), Chris David (bass guitar) and Alfred Fridhagen (drums); sounded so melodic and imaginative like the classic standard Speed Metal unit from the blue continents and as many European rock bands used to be - they brought high tones clean vocals and pro-skills performance as this band already shown to their fans and many listeners on the previous Swedish Hitz Goes Metal compilations. So, if you loved Symphonic or Melodic Metal then you definitely would loving this album - Welcome to The Theater that powerful in its consistency to bursting several great tracks and good call solo chords onto your listening expectations on Life Will Find A Way, Stranger Tides, Temple Of The Crystal Skulls to Freedom. Yes, we'll be taken anywhere and elsewhere - so, let your imagination open wide my friends ...

Welcome to The Theater:

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