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19:52 (Columbia / Phoenix Records 1973)


   Kei Ishikawa (vocals, bass, sitar), Eiichi Sayu (guitar, keyboards), Manani Arai (drums, nihon daiko) and Fumoi Miyashita (guitars, vocals, keyboards, harmonica) gathering up and sitting around to recording their fabulous passion in order to sharing their biggest loveable hobby to recording the experimental Progressive and Psychedelic Space Rock version of their own in the mix of Modern music and Japanese traditional influence and given result of this one and only album from Far Out group - Nihonjin. Without too many repertoir but two tracks only, splendid and mystically characterized for capturing the real essence of Prog-Rock Psyhedelic spirits, pleasure and trauma in one single package just like an arrival of a spacecraft to a whole new world similar to Earth ultimately realistic after crossing countless galaxies through the unstable wormholes finding themselves stranded but survive on the mossy hard soil with ocean wide as the background only limited by farther horizon. Far Out trying to sending back the message back to homeland telling about their finest success finding the right place, to let others to follow them carrying the next generation to the new world by sleep capsule as you might easily found out on Too Many People that lasted til almost eighteen minutes in its beauty progress. A couragous big step for mankind independently for solving the mysteries of universal existence and extra-terrestrial civilizations to prove that we are not alone ...


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