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Cold Piece Dickeye (Columbia Records 1998)


   As one of the two powerful figures behind Alice In Chains success; guitarist Jerry Fulton Cantrell Jr or known by the fans of AIC as Jerry Cantrell is no doubt has to be the last survivor after the demish of his former rock band and best-friend's death the legendary Laney Staley - who died cause of drug overdose. But rather than being a sitting duck and dying, this half-Yankee half-Redneck born of Tacoma, WA; Jerry Cantrell is truly one of the fantastic guitar players out of Grunge/Seattle sound bandwagon circus camp besides Kim Thayil and Mike McCready. Soaking his muddy lives and gestures naturally clean up so he can getting back on his feet and continue his tracks must be a quite strong aim from him as later results the debut solo album straight off Boggy Depot produced by Toby Wright and Jerry himself. Man, you won't ever get something better than this and you can achieved them with a headbang - thanks to Mr. Cantrell for working his ass off to recording this, mixing and mostly, writing great licks and riffs into this awesome twelve tracks harder enough to rock you and grabbing fanatic fans of Alice In Chains as if the legendary band itself resurrects in a glory come back. Embracing the past sad stories and AIC ghost once again - started from Setting Down or Cut You In onto the soulful Jesus Hands to the snapping force on Breaks My Back and Devil By His Side that comamorates the downfall and the tragic events in his life to be renewed by the timing moment through the guitarist's better perspective sight.

Praise the Boggy Depot ...


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