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Consummation (Debemur Morti Productions 2015)


   All those sinister themes and deathly hollow dreams shattered into another form of frustrations capturing by the Dark Ambient and Black Metal mixed group or duo - Akhlys from Colorado, USA. Invoking something from the deep darkness and evoking the false positive family values once believed by most of the American Family now is really at the stake of being extinct. The blackest magic or the advance technology or one being transformed to another must be the correct answer about how to really describes Akhlys in specific measurements in between the rawest blizzard of ploundering double pedal drumming and chaotic sounds that might making some people stop calling this type of Atmospheric Black Metal a music. So, let the evil ugly witch speaks or silently spreading her dark magic to turning mankind into animals and good shall never win again against the bad and the demonic one within the releasing of Akhlys' The Dreaming I featuring only two members project off Ain (percussions) and the leading metallic-underground music supervisor - Naas Alcameth (vocals, guitars, bass, keyboards, ambience and lyrics) screaming until his throat succumbs the nearly death experiences through the rigid tracks of Tides of Oneiric Darkness, Into the Indigo Abyss or Breath and Levitation as the album opener song. Everyone whose listening to this Black Metal record shall never be living in the poverty without problems anymore, you will finding your last day's death defying result or the other dimension with supernatural creatures as also the raising of a famous spirit's of a witch once again invoked by some fanatic fans and followers whom worshipping Akhlys' albums in a ritualistic of swinger sex orgy or simply, just stab a virgin on her chest for the all seeing eye's telling you where to go and to unlocked the world secrets ...


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